Neutrality of Money

Blocktime #845889


5/31/20244 min read

Neutrality in Money


Neutrality, often dubbed the "invisible hand" or a force of supernature, is a core concept that permeates every facet of our universe—nature, politics, and money. It ensures that despite temporary imbalances caused by dominant leaders or dictatorial regimes, equilibrium is eventually restored. This principle, though mysterious, seems to apply universally, bringing about a natural order. In the realm of finance, neutrality in money is a cornerstone of stability and fairness. But what exactly does it mean for money to be neutral, and why is it so important?

What is Neutral Money?

Neutral money is a currency whose production isn't controlled by any single entity but follows natural processes. This decentralization ensures that no single party can manipulate its supply or value for personal gain. Even in times of conflict, enemies are willing to accept neutral money, recognizing its inherent value despite their animosities. This universal acceptance underpins the true power of neutral money—it transcends borders, politics, and conflicts.

Why is Neutrality Important?

Protection from Dilution: Neutral money maintains its value, unaffected by overproduction. Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed in unlimited quantities by central banks, neutral money like gold or Bitcoin has a finite supply. This scarcity protects against inflation and preserves purchasing power over time.

Security: Neutral money cannot be arbitrarily confiscated or restricted, providing stability and confidence. This is especially important in regimes where financial repression is common, as it ensures individuals retain control over their assets.

Example: Gold

Gold, a timeless form of money, has been universally accepted throughout history. Even during wars, adversaries acknowledge its value due to its intrinsic properties. Gold's physical attributes—durability, divisibility, and portability—make it an ideal store of value and medium of exchange. Its acceptance across different cultures and epochs highlights its neutrality and enduring value.

New Neutral Money: Bitcoin

Bitcoin, introduced in 2009 by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, operates on decentralized principles, ensuring fairness and balance among users. Its system incentivizes stakeholders to protect its integrity. Bitcoin's fixed supply of 21 million coins ensures it cannot be devalued by inflation, making it a modern counterpart to gold in terms of neutrality.

However, there is a potential risk to Bitcoin's neutrality. Services like "Bitcoin Accelerator" offered by mining pools can prioritize transactions based on fees or user identity, which could challenge the principle of neutrality. Maintaining Bitcoin's neutrality requires vigilance and a commitment to its decentralized ethos. (We may discuss further more in future)

Implications for Companies and Individuals

For Companies:

Stability: Neutral money provides stability for businesses, offering a reliable store of value and medium of exchange that isn't subject to governmental or institutional influence. This stability is crucial for long-term planning and investment.

Global Commerce: In a globalized economy, companies benefit from a neutral currency that facilitates international trade without the complexities and risks associated with fluctuating fiat currencies.

Increased Trust and Transparency: The transparent nature of public blockchain can enhance trust in corporate financial practices, a bitcoin treasury tells everything this company transaction.

For Individuals:

Protection from Inflation: Saving in non-neutral money exposes individuals to risks of overproduction and inflation. While the wealthy may profit during economic upturns, others face the brunt of economic downturns and government interventions. Neutral money preserves wealth and ensures that savings are not eroded over time.

Financial Sovereignty: Neutral money empowers individuals with control over their finances, free from the whims of central banks and governments. This financial sovereignty is especially valuable in regions with unstable or repressive monetary policies.

Accessibility: Neutral money like Bitcoin can be accessed and used by anyone with an internet connection, promoting financial inclusion.

For Nation-States:

Export-driven nations often rely on stable currencies, like the US dollar, to accumulate reserves. However, fluctuations in US interest rates can pose challenges, impacting their economies. Neutral money can provide an alternative reserve asset, reducing reliance on foreign currencies and enhancing economic stability.

Economic Stability: Adopting neutral money can help stabilize economies by reducing the risk of hyperinflation and currency crises. It ensures that monetary policy is not used as a tool for short-term political gains, promoting long-term economic health.

Monetary Independence: Neutral money grants nations greater control over their monetary policy, reducing dependency on international financial systems and foreign currencies. This monetary independence can enhance national sovereignty and economic resilience.


Most individuals spend their time working for money, and if someone can create money effortlessly, it essentially steals our time, functioning as a modern form of slavery.

While governments may attempt to stimulate economies through excessive money printing, the long-term consequences can be detrimental. Neutrality reminds us that money isn't just paper—it's a representation of value, and its stability is crucial for financial security. In an uncertain world, anchoring ourselves to neutral forms of money, such as gold or Bitcoin, can help safeguard wealth and ensure stability amidst global shifts.

Neutral money serves as a foundation for a fairer, more stable world. By embracing the principles of neutrality, decentralization, and scarcity, we can protect our financial systems from the excesses of human intervention and foster a more equitable global economy. Whether through timeless assets like gold or innovative solutions like Bitcoin, the pursuit of neutral money is a step towards true financial freedom and global economic harmony.

Let hard money find you a safe harbour from those fleeing debasement and counterparty risk.

Author: Numpi21
Blocktime #845889